Table of Contents
The realized model measures 3.50 m long x 2 m wide.
The materials
- 4 wooden poles treated class 4, 10 cm x 10 cm x 1 m lenght;
- 12 m² of boards at least 2 cm thick levied on pallets;
- 7 joists for the floor space that will be up to 50 cm;
- 9 cleats 5 cm x 5 cm x 2.40 m for the frame;
- Corrugated sheets (the number varies depending on the sheet found);
- Built for the sides of the cabin, choose stakes from 5 cm x 5 cm x 2.40 m high spacing of 50 cm;
- For an aged effect, prefer nails to screws. They oxidize quickly and will fit better.
Find the best place
Start by locating a corner in the garden with good exposure and sheltered from the wind.
Make a small test beforehand with string. This will give you an idea of the ideal proportions to choose for your cabin.
The base
- Start by disbursing land to make 4 holes of 40 cm sides x 50 cm deep where you position the piles;
- Pour the concrete then, having taken care to support each pile which will keep upright during casting.
- Gather the 4 piles to form a leveled square.
- Install the joists in this square.
- Begin laying planks to form the floor.
The walls
To make the frame of the cabin, prepare the panels of different sides leaving room for openings, according to the windows found in the recovery of materials or in flea markets.
Then assemble the 4 sides and secure.
The roof
It’ll just install the boards of the frame, taking care to leave slightly overflow 70 cm in front, 20 cm on the sides and 40 cm at the rear.
Then install the metal plates with a lag (accessory to fix the sheets on wooden boards).
It’ll just paint a few boards here and there to suit your tastes. For this use of wood varnish that will color but also treat your hut against the weather.
Source: Elle Maison